* La FDA anuncia un nuevo sistema de comunicación con los importadores. (FDA Announces New System for Communication with Import Community)
Se informa que la FDA ha implementado un nuevo sistema de comunicación con los importadores. Se trata de una plataforma informática que permite a los importadores consultar on-line el estado de las mercancías presentadas a despacho. La base de datos permite saber si la mercancía va a ser sometida a inspección o no, si se ha tomado muestra para análisis, y permite además que los importadores remitan documentación adicional que les haya sido requerida de forma electrónica a través de esta plataforma.
En el recorte de prensa que se adjunta más abajo hay un link a una presentación en la que se detalla el funcionamiento de esta nueva herramienta que han llamado ITACS.
According to a March 16 notice from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Food and Drug Administration has announced the Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System to improve communication between FDA and the import trade community. ITACS provides three functions: the ability to check on the status of an entry, the ability to submit entry documentation electronically, and the ability to submit goods availability information for targeted shipments electronically (although CBP notes that the availability of goods for examination should not be submitted through ITACS until the shipment has been unloaded and is physically present for FDA staff to examine). The benefits of the new system to the trade include receiving more detailed entry statuses than what is currently transmitted to filers via the Automated Broker Interface, reducing the need for phone calls inquiring about the status of entries, eliminating the need to mail or fax entry documentation and goods availability to FDA, and no problems with lost documents.